Friday, January 27, 2012

one word image

week two - day four

Today's challenge to think of a word and create an image for it, I may have cheated a little as this image was taken before the challenge and never knew what to do with it but I always went back to it to see what  it will inspire but nothing ever came up. Today I went through a lot of images nothing popped but when I reached this one just popped...

my word "BEAUTY"...

  • Added 2 layers of plastersquared - 1 layer 70% overlay and 1 layer 100% softlight (masked over the wildflower) to enhance it
  • Added a layer of levels - adjusted the output levels left slider to 83 to create dreaminess
  • Added brightness and contrast layer - adjusted brightness to -47 and contrast to +20

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

six word memoirs

This week's challenge ~ six word memoirs ~ you in six words
'sure, your life story could fill a thousand pages - but sometimes a few words are ALL YOU NEED.'
So here is mine:


I was inspired by
she was inspired by
who was inspired by


p.s. part one of my story is still in the works, once it is readable you'll be able to read it.

Week One Day Two "Less Is More"

Kim's Challenge:
I encourage you to be simplistic with your composition... this can be any subject. Try using simple objects from your home... or perhaps even a photo of you, just your hand, your hair, your eyes..... maybe your hand holding a simple object.. You get the idea... Keep it simple... Did I mention simple?
If you are setting up a still, think.... less is more.... allow for some lovely negative space in the shot .....

Textured by Kim Klassen's "Awaken"

  1. Added texture layer "Awaken" @ 100% softlight
  2. Added Hue/Saturation layer - toned down saturation by 10% - added a mask layer and used soft brush @50% to remove some desaturation from flower
  3. Added Levels layer - moved the middle marker to the right slightly
  4. Added Levels layer - moved the output level left marker to the 71 to add a bit of dreamy effect - added a mask layer to remove the white from the flower