Friday, February 3, 2012

My Ordinary Day

[Day Six]

... as inspired by Xanthe Berkeley, yesterday I shot my first time capsule, six images that represent a typical day in my life during 2012 and today I have easily arranged it as a story board collage [thank you Kim Klassen... the images and resulting collage is not spectacular or beautiful but I think it captures the current essence of my daily life, simple and ordinary ...

A rundown of my day, starting with top left ~
  • Top Left - first things first, my dreaded chore of a school morning - the lunchbox - two to be is dreaded not because of the actual act but the mindboggling choice of what to put in it.
  • Top Centre - then off to work for my mandatory flat white in my snoopy cup from the cafe.
  • Top Right - work day over, drove home in the pouring rain ... just some weather news for you, this Summer has been the coolest and wettest in a lot of years.
  • Bottom Left - some fresh corn to be used for my work day quickie meal "Curry Corn Beef with peas and corn".
  • Bottom Centre - *sigh* Jodi Picoult my trusted and favourite author, I have tried to read other books but she is an author I know who will make me turn every page and not want to put it down ... I would like to read every night but it is not always the case as I now have my photography to occupy my time.
  • Bottom Right - finally down to the very last chore of the day ... think the image is pretty much self explanatory [don't really want to get into the gory bits of life]
Guess that about sums it up ... if you're still reading, thank you, for sharing in my simple and ordinary day.

Oh and maybe just share the technical bits to the collage ~ not much was done to each image except applied a vintage action to them all then placed them where they needed to go and that's about it.

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  1. Nicely done! a simple ordinary day made extraordinary!

  2. Beautiful set. There's a great quote in Patti Digh's book Creative is a Verb - "Because it's our ordinary we believe it's everyone's ordinary. It is not". These images are gorgeous and unique to you, great job. :)

  3. Great job. Glad you take some time to enjoy a good book. I too love Jodi Picoult's writing.

  4. So pretty! I love how the tones and colors of the pictures go together so well...

  5. Nothing simle about this just beautiful

  6. love your storyboard. i saw it on flickr and it made me want to come to your blog and read more about it! isn't it amazing how ordinary day pics can become such treasures! great job.
    this beyond layers journey is so inspiring!

    1. Thank you nancyjean, yes and it's such a great idea, everyone should do this at least once...because no matter how simple and ordinary, it will always be interesting to look back at this collage and be instantly reminded of that day and the feelings attached to it.

  7. a beautiful story board. i've never read jodi picoult, but i have heard so much about her. i think that i should pick up one of her books soon!

    1. Thank you Geetlee, go for it, her "my sister's keeper" is a great one to start with and will definitely get you hooked.

  8. Great storyboard .... I was stumped as to what to do with mine but your idea is great!

  9. Visiting via Beyond Layers and really love your bits of life storyboard!
