Saturday, March 24, 2012

Colour My Week Blue

[Day Nineteen - Blue]

Finally picking up my camera again two days in a row ... showing progress, I think.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Just a whisper

[day fifteen + day sixteen]

I am so behind it's not funny, and all my days in the blog are starting to get all mixed up ... but guess that's the way it has to be when you take a week off from any sort of creativity ... playing catch up now, hopefully I'll get there.

Think Kim's day fifteen post and prompt came on a day that predicted my week ahead, "resistance", something we need to fight off because it is so so true, sometimes that niggling voice in our heads that can stop us in our tracks before anything even has any hope of forming into something amazing. If only there was a volume control that could lower the impact of these negatives.

Well in the last couple of days I have fought hard to pick up the camera again and slowly the feeling is back and processing this image tonight has certainly reminded me of why I love photography so much, it's not so much the capturing part but the processing part, the process of turning that image into something so much more than just an image, gives me the feeling of peace ... the word I think that fits for me is "therapeutic" ... don't know if anyone else can relate to this but that's how I see and feel it ... hope everyone else can feel it too, because it's an amazing feeling.

Mouse over to see the original image.

Sometimes a whisper may not seem much but when it's heard only by you and nobody else then it becomes something special.

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Colour My Week Pink

Oh my gosh it's [Day Nineteen ~ Pink] already

I totally skipped over [day fifteen to eighteen] the b&w edition and dived head first into the colour week ... I'll be back track one day and make up those lost four days ... oh and I also skipped green and yellow days (not my favourite colours so it's ok) and jumped right into pink day ... here they are ...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Just a Spot

[Day Fourteen]

Sometimes less is more ... that can apply to colour as well ... just a spot here or there will be just as effective if not more than if it was a full colour image ... a little highlight to offset the black and white.  Today's prompt from Kim was to do a selective colour photo, mine today is a dragonfly that got itself trapped in my landing that leads down to my back garden on a sunny Sunday morning ... needless to say I helped it find it's way out but not before I had captured it {of course not literally only figuratively}.  I focussed on it's more beautiful assets rather than the hairs, beady eyes and spiny legs that I really couldn't get my sight to close to ...

Outtakes ~

The big guy himsef.

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

the Truth the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth

[Day Thirteen]

Kim shared her ten truths with us but was so carried away that she ended up sharing twelve of her truths ... then prompted us to do the same, so here's mine shared over a cup of coffee ~

Mouse over to see the original image.

My Ten Truths ~
  1. I have a great fear of heights and anything that has more than four legs.
  2. I am married with a two children.
  3. I'm a full time carer [of my family], part time worker and photographer [creator].
  4. I feel I have almost discovered myself at the age of 40.
  5. I am an Apple girl, can never figure out how PC's work.
  6. I would love to have my very own little space that I can call my studio.
  7. I can't read without my glasses anymore :(
  8. I can't do without my coffee on a working day.
  9. I am addicted to my laptop.
  10. I am the youngest from a family of nine children.
Well, here they are my ten truths ... though they may be altered, tweaked or twisted at any time without further notice.

What's some truths over coffee without a little sweet something to go with it ...

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